What if the Government helped First Home Buyers like they’re helping Adani?

The Australia Institute
2 min readJun 6, 2017


Adani have green-lit their coal mine like most millenials have green-lit buying their first home — with no finance and no contracts.

So, what if the Government really did help First Home Buyers like they were helping out Adani with their coal mine?

No, really.

1 // You’d get your water for free (no water bills!)

The Adani mine has been granted unlimited access to groundwater by the Queensland government in a move farmers fear will drain huge amounts of water from the Great Artesian Basin.

2 // You wouldn’t have to pay your rates for years (if ever)

Home owners pay rates to cover some of the local services they use. Adani would be using the local coal, but the Palaszczuk Government has said they don’t have to pay for it…at least not for years.

3 // You wouldn’t need a bank loan, the Government would give you one (for cheap, too)

The federal government want to hand Adani a $1 billion loan via the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF).

4 // The Government would build a new railway for you to get to work

The $1 billion government loan is to build a coal-only rail line to transport the coal from the mine to the port at Abbot Point, north of Bowen.

5 // The Minister would call any bank that didn’t give you a loan ‘wimps’ and call for them to be boycotted

Yes, this happened. Imagine bringing the Minister for Housing to your bank manager meetings?

6 // Everyone would be touting the number of jobs building your new house would create

Some people think it’s funny to lie to the media, but it’s a crime to lie to a judge. While Adani and the state and federal government have been claiming in the media that the project would create 10,000 direct and indirect jobs, in court, Adani’s own expert witness said under oath the project would create 1,464 direct and indirect jobs — we know which figure we’d use.

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The Australia Institute

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